when i find something new I tend to pour myself so when I find lots of things I wish to look into how do I choose the right one for me ? I need direction a way of finding what is best for me . I have so many things I wish to study and research but my mind is in a mess I cant choose I need help , a sign  something to show me the right path for me at this time. My hands are on so many things I just can't decide .
4 years ago i met a lovely man john who has been a great help to me along side many other friends who are almost an extended family, They have all helped me through with my confidence on a spiritual level. this song has been a big part of that and suggest anyone who reads this to try it i guarantee you will love it and it will help clear away negative energies !
To work with this is simple all that is needed is to close your eyes and say into your heart not out loud , I LOVE YOU and mean it ,do this any time you can if you have a few minuets to spare then do this it has helped me and continues to do so !!!
I have decided to look into new aspects of development and where i want to go next. recently i met a lady whom i believe will help in my development of reiki healing wich is what i am looking to do soon,i belive that my abilities to connect with spirit are now progressing further and i am now gaining confidence to look into spirit readings but i wish to go forward with healing more before i go further with spirit readings.
At times i feel pulled to go further with my readings etc but always hold back now at the age of 30 almost 31 i feel that its time to open up and allow it all to flow freely , wnat will be will be as they say.
This song was on one of my lovely friends FB profiels tday and it fit so well i had to put it here
_ In the past 10 years I havent seen mysellf as being able to connect with spirit until a  very dear friend said she thought I knew I could connect with spirit. since then I have done maybe 4 or 5 readings no more than that that have been taken by the person as spirit readings,I normaly say I do psychic readings or card reaadings. This reading as with the other readings feel diffrent from psychic readings they too alot of energy from me and I felt very drained afterwards witch has been explianed to me that it is like that with spirit reads,with psychic reads I get  very hyper when doing cards and could go on all night with them, theres only been a few times while doing card reads and psychic reads that I feel like this so I guess maybe I have been connectng with spirit but didnt actually belive in myself enough that I was. this reading below is from a group on FB called angels and spirits where I have met so many ovely people the reading started off by me looking at the photo you will see at the bottom of the page .

Leanne Dickson sally ya know im not a medium i do cards and psychic reads have done for almost 10 yrs now do u mind me telling ya what i get from this i dont do it often but really this jumped out at me when i came back to the page hunny xxx
Leanne Dickson untrained i forgot to say lol xxx
Sally Ann Wilson yes please leanne xx
Leanne Dickson ty sweets so i dont need to say but yes and no if ya wish to answer pls lol  xxx
Leanne dickson ok its the gent mainly tht im drawn to sweetsstraight away i saw him with his fists up like a boxer
Leanne Dickson and him being very well presented every day never a hair out of line
Sally Ann Wilson yes to all :) xx
Leanne Dickson i also get many friends and acuantances with this man im not saying he is a crook pmsl but got a kinda top boy feeling with him
Sally Ann Wilson spot on xx
Leanne Dickson the lady in return i feel had to be wel kept and spoke like a ldy not that he was mean about it but this is how he prefferd the family to be very much an old fashioned morals kinda man

Leanne Dickson u speak when your spoken to unless its needed
Leanne Dickson very much gente giant but dont cross him he hold no punchs back and will tell u what he thinks
Leanne Dickson also seeing a big red car not sure if its his but its shiney red flash car
Sally Ann Wilson yes to all except car, may have been before i was born xx
Leanne Dickson  as his woman and his family his cars had to be the same i feel but i think he was also the kinda man that would pull up the bonnet and do all the work hms self coz he doesnt trust no one elses work on his car lol
Leanne Dickson nps sweets ty xxx
Leanne Dickson i wish to say this lady i feel had a hard life before meeting this man i feel he pulled her up and then put her on his pedastol almost made her fee like a model
Leanne Dickson i get what you mean but not with respect to working on car , but with other stuff yeh xx
Sally Ann Wilson spot on about him and me mum yes xx

Leanne Dickson but also i feel he was quit jeiouse of men with her because she was so beuatuiful now im thining the where married couple
Leanne Dickson
ah ok ty xxx
Sally Ann Wilsonyes i can take that, thats how they met xx
Leanne Dickson i was gonna say thining they where a married couple but seperated before they should have dont know where this sits her but one is was gone from the picture before the other if that makes sence
Leanne Dickson ah ty sweets xxx
Leanne Dickson i feel completely diffrent up bringings with them one was rough and one was more look after but very much disaplined if that makes sence
Sally Ann Wilson my mums still here. they met in the 60s but didnt marry till 83 xx that might be what your picking up, my dad was married before xx
Sally Ann Wilson yes diff upbringings xx
Leanne Dickson i want to take my wedding rign off jst now i dont now if this is with what i was saying the seperated before they should have the wedding ring is still on but it had been taken off xx
Leanne Dickson ah ok ty thats why i want to take wedding ring off lol xxx
Leanne Dickson i feel that you have been thining things over just now hunny as to where you re in life and if you are going t=in the right direction not exactly questioning but reassesing and evaluating here you are and where you wnt to be xx
Sally Ann Wilson yes :) xx
Leanne Dickson and i feel a few tears as of late due to a situation that you find difficuilt to sort out i maybe wrong here but i feel that you have the right desition and you know what to do sweets and i want to say do not allow your sef to be dragged back to that quiet pace in your mind that you hid for a while hope u understand
Sally Ann Wilson yes totally xx
Leanne Dickson may i ask would u be able to place an old lady wearing a pinny well its kinda like what dot cotton wears in eastys
Leanne Dickson like this lady was a cleaner or was always cleaning
Leanne Dickson and i see scrubbing steps and door step xx
Sally Ann Wilson yes i can take that, xx
Leanne Dickson i want to say like reggi and ronni crays mum pmsl dunno where that came from but this lady was loved like that she was everyones mum and would have everyone in her house feding the waifs and strays lol
Leanne Dickson feeding sorry lol
Leanne Dickson very strong woman would knock u out with her handbag if she had to pmsl
Leanne Dickson i want to tell u to bring her out in you x
Leanne Dickson i see her doing tea leaf readings lol dont know if you will connect with this but i see you in her and it seems you are very much alike xxx
Sally Ann Wilson yes , corr i can really take that. xx
Sally Ann Wilson yes ;) spot on leanne xx
Sally Ann Wilson i dont want to ask but can you see her?? as you could have either of my nans here. xx
Leanne Dickson i feel this is why i have had to come to you chikn i want to say to get the strength and kkeep it knock them out with your hand bag if you need to u maybe small but ya can pack a punch pmsl ever take fool glady and never allow it to all go back into you its time to bring what you are made of ya have many diffrent roots and ya have alot of people with u i think xxx
Leanne Dickson i have a pic in my head of her chikn xxx
Sally Ann Wilson can u tell me if she is dark or fair haired hun? xx
Leanne Dickson ok the lady in my head i see she isnt fat but not thin either she isnt tall either but taller than me im 5ft1 she not much bigger than me her hair is grey sweets well it looks grey it could be blong going grey as i say dot otton type pinny on black what i call granny shoes and black skirt on i think im seeing her in her later yrs but think she would have been a stunner in younger life xxx
Leanne Dickson hope that helps a wee bit chikn xxx
Leanne Dickson its defo lighter hair sally sweets sorry if it doesnt fit ma hunny xxx
Leanne Dickson im getting hot flushs and coughing hear like hard of breathing but i get this at times when doing readings so i dunno if its me or if its her symptoms but feel im only getting beath through one side of my throt if that makes sence xxx
Sally Ann Wilson no it fits, its my mums mum xx
Sally Ann Wilson yes i can take that xx
Leanne Dickson and i know its probs obviouse but getting angina and heart problems also from early 50 late 40s think a heave smoker also xxx
Leanne Dickson ty sweets xxx
Sally Ann Wilson that would fit with my dad yes xx
Leanne Dickson again as you know im no medium but tink she is with you alot sweets and whispers in your ear at nigh and brush your hair away from your face as if to say never hide your eyes they are the family eyes u need to be proud of how bright they are lol xxx
Leanne Dickson particularly the right hand side of your face xxx
Sally Ann Wilsonyes, im the youngest of 8 grandchildren. i can understand why she would be with me
Leanne Dickson i think this is the last but someting about get the soup made or something about soup when you are ill xxx
Sally Ann Wilson lol yes i can take that defo xx
Leanne Dickson ill explaine why i say this lol
Leanne Dickson the reson i say this is because i see who i think is you wrapped in covers sniffling and this lady pointing finger saying eat the soup or make the soup obviously im not hearing her voice its my own voie but when i do reaings i see like pics and film and i see her doing this and this came to mind lol xxx ·
Sally Ann Wilson thats how i read leanne so i understand hun xx
Sally Ann Wilson im ill at mo lol xx
Leanne Dickson thank you for allowing me your time to give you this sweets i hope it has helped even just a little bit than you very much for sharing this with me peace love and light to you and yours xxx blessed be xxx
Leanne Dickson cool hunny i had to explaine lol coz i dont do many reds on pics and often the sitter can only take some info but this man pulled me in straight away with the fists lol and i love boxers pmsl :D thankking you again for your time sweets xxx
Sally Ann Wilson thankyou so much leanne, you defo had my dad :) and my nan bless her ♥ ill tell you afew things id like to share with you if thats ok xx
Leanne Dickson please do sweetheart would really be interested chikn xxx
Sally Ann Wilsonand from the bottom of my heart.... THANKYOU ♥
Sally Ann Wilson the 1st thing you mentioned was the boxing stance/fists in the air. my dad did boxing when he was in the army, but even better than that i have a picture of him in a frame just where im sitting now, and he has his fists up like a boxer, was taken aboy 10 years ago :) when he met my mum they fell in love straight away although he was still married but seperated. a man tried to grab my mum one night outside a pub in london and my dad knocked him out lol. he did worship her and his family but was very well known to everyone with regards to what you said about being top boy, he was respected and feared by many, but a total gent. xxxx my nan was a very strong woman, suffered at the hands of an abusive husband (not my grandad, as they sseparated) but she was tough and made the best chcicken stew this side of essex ;) you were spot on leanne well done honey xxxx
Leanne Dickson aww thank you so much for letting me know lly and thanking your pops and nan for allowing me to come to u with this amazing truly is and ya know what i was gonna say get the chikn soup made maybe it was the chiken stew lol :D thank you for giving me feed back and allowing me your time sweetheart so glad this was given to you by them you muct need it sweets ♥ xxx
Sally Ann Wilson also the hot fushes and coughing were my nan. but the angina/heart late 40s?? my dad had a heart attack when he was about 46 xx
Sally Ann Wilson pops is what the kids called him, never called him grandad , it was always pops. corr i dont alf miss him leanne ♥
Leanne Dickson ah right thank you i wasnt sure as to where is was from tbh it was good to have this with you sally i hope it has brought you some comfort sweets  xxx seriously  luv it truley do gorjus people and i know sweets but he is listening as is your nan : is he the travelers side of the family sally ? and where the horse shoe would come from sorry i am done but had this in my head but thought maybe i was feeding from what i know so didnt put it in xxx
Sally Ann Wilson my mums side is the romany side hun, my dad is a cockney born n bred lol xx and we have horse brasses at my mums house in the front room and most of them are shaped like horse shoes :) xx
Leanne Dickson
ah ty i didnt want to put it in coz i knew about there being romanys in the family but i knew the horse shes ment something but as i say didnt want to seem like i was feeding from what i know :) your family are stars sweets as i say i dont class myself as sensative to spirits have done a cpl but not many and i thank you and ur oved ones for allowing me the pleasue sweetheart now i need nip get a ciggy and drink me water and chill out for a min tanking you very much and you are very welcome sweets it was a pelasure xxx

Big Thank You To Sally Ann Wilson For Allowing Me To Use This Reading And Photo x
When we pass we wont be afraid my love.
We will grasp each other when we are above.
Never alone we will always be true .
As I say I will always be next to you !!
Finding the words may be hard to grasp .
But please remember you where always first class.
Im not afaraid as you close your eyes !!
Please here my voice when your above me in the skys .
And I remember you are always here with me I will always be with you !!!

I desided to see what my cards came out with the question being : Will I Be Working With Spirit In The Future

Spirit Oracle :

First cards name : The Journey
It says to me : You are soaring to new heights. Experiment. Play. Allow your spirit the freedom to explore new and exciting possibilities for yur life. Follow the rainbow across the horizon - a pot og gold awaits.

Second cards name : Intention
It says to me : Do not lose sight of your original intention. Check inside your heart to see if the path you are traveling fits in with your original hopes and aspirations. If not, take action, take control and seer your life bck on course.

Third cards name : Aura Of Love
It says to me : The union of light and dark of Earth and sky. Balancer of Anima and Animus . The merging of two souls. Acknowledge the femanine and masculline aspects of yourself - both Yin and Yang, to create a perfect balance.

I asked the same question using my
Magical Messages from The Farie
First cards nae : Healing, Healed, Healer
It says to me : Healing energy surrounds you and this situation.

Second cards name : Travel
It says to me :An upcoming trip proves to be life-changing in positive ways.

Third cards name : Summer
It says to me : Everything you're asking for becomes yours in the summertime.

2 cards fell out while shuffling they are

Fourth cards name : Perfect Timing
It says to me : This is the right time for you to move forward.

Fith cards name : Spiritual Teacher
It says to me : Your life purpose involves teaching others about healing and spirituallity.

Well from this we shal see because i dont normally ask about future per say so its gonna be a wait and see at the moment but from what the cards are saying it looks a positive otcome x
Please can you tell me when you relised you had the ability to give info to people or when you relised you could connect
I didnt get much of a reply but these where the answers :
Clare Jemison : Last night lol xxx I'm not really sure what to say. I looked at ur pic and info came flooding into my head. I was jjst telling Lindy that I got other info but it sounded too obvious so didn't say it. I heard Darren and also dad and uncle but knew it wasn't ur dad so thought I was confused xxx It was the second thing I heard after Eric/Derek. Sounded too obvious and cos I've only ever had one message before for Em didn't want u to think I was taking the mick xxx
A Dear Friend Mailed Me : Hi leanne i have always communicated with spirit, i was about 5 or 6 when iwas telling people thigs about spirit and noticed they were looking funny at me,so thats the earliest i noticed i was telling people things that i had no way of knowing .....about the same age, (mum explained it was spirit) and said when you tell people things its because spirit has given it to you, so i used to practice on my mum, i was about 11 to 12 when my mum was talking to her friend, and i butted in and gave her what i got, the woman was really pleased and thanked me, i got wrong though lol coz mum said to always ask first, and not everyone wants to know ..thats when i really let go and started to explore and learn more and develop each bit of me...i first astral travelled about 4 yrs old hun, if that helps and i knew i could heal by the time i was about 7/8
Karen Ramsey : I'm not a medium hun , sorry. I do the cards and have had them for many years but only got confident with trying them on others in last few months. xx

I will add any others that i get if i get anymore
Ive been thinking alot about things I have experianced in reguards to spirit witch I guess ive always said I havent but thinking about it ive relised that I actualy may have had experiances :
When I was between 10 and 12 I remember vividly I went to bed I was staying with my nana at the time, after laying there for say 5 10 mins give or take and I remember opening my eyes coz I couldnt get to sleep obviously not trying hard enough haha, but when I opend my eyes I seen these people comeing from every where, from behind tv from out wardrobes coming from the door that lead into the bedroom. These people werent  just normal people tho, they all wore white cloaks with hoods up they came towards me and stood round the bed looking at me I couldnt see faces all I could see was black needless to say I cobverd my head with the covers and didnt look again slightly scared I can tell you that haha
When my grandfather passed away mum and I left the hospital and went home we lived with him at this point in his house he had been sleeping down stairs on a bed because he had not long came out of the hospital and couldnt go up and down the stairs. I remember it was such a clear calm night all the stars where so bright when we got home we went straight to bed. We slept in his bed Down stairs jst to be that lil bit closer to him I was laying on my right hand side for a while and knew mum was crying, so I turnt round to hug her, but it wasnt her head I seen it was grandads I coudnt mistake it because he was bald with only a lil bit of hair she had dark almost black long hair. I did get a shock but I just huged  tight and closed my eyes and spoke to grandad in my head.
The last thing I reember is when I was 17 my husband myself and my eldest son moved into my father inlaws house we lived there for a year and we found out my father inlaw had cancer, he had been for one session of chemo and on the 2nd of nov exactly to the day we had moved in he was due for his second session. My husband had got up with my son that morning to give him his breackfast so I stayed in bed and had a lay in. I woke up to my husband coming into the room and asking me to come get conner because the ambulance guys where in  and he went back down the stairs. As i was walking down the stairs it didnt actually click to why the ambulance men where there because i was stll half asleep, but I walked down and herd men and women laughing so again I thought nothing of it. I went into the livingroom and my huband handed me my son and asked me to go into the kitchen witch I found strange,  as I stood in the kitchen I herd the laughing again so thought everything was ok. After a while my husband came into the kitchen and asked me to take conner out the back door and into the front door and back upstairs, obviously by now I was getting a bit worried and confused because i herd laughing so why do we need go out the back door. My husband says the abulance men have been trying thier hardest since just before i came up for you this morning,  obviously I asked what he ment and he said my dads gone theres nothing they can do, my reply was so why where you all laughing,  he looked at me like I was crazy and said they werent laughing. It turns out the the dr had been with them that morning because my fatherinlaw wasnt good. When the dr my hubby and son where there with him he started fitting and she called the ambulance straight way so basically there wasnt much they coud do but tried thier hardest and to this day I will always remember that laughter.
So where these things spirit I seen and herd or was it all just my head pleaying games? Well I cant answer that truley, but I hope with all my heart that it was my grandad i seen in the bed and it was my father inlaw and his loved ones laughing .

Yesterdy I desided to go back to angels and spirits yesterday because I missed doing readings for others and felt that although im not strong enough to help out that much, I can help by doing cards for people and love joining in with discussion. I did one reading and also got a reding from a friend who  has always said she didnt have the ability she done  really well and im proud of her I belive now she is growing and starting to belive in her self more its great to see.

Todays cards i pulled for myself from my farie oracle are:

First cards name : Travel.
It says to me : An up and coming trip proved to be life-changing in positive ways.

Second cards name :Do Some Research
It says to me : You need more information about this situation. Look into it further before proceeding.

Third cards name :Daughter
It says to me : the answer to your question involves your daughter.

One card fell out while shuffling.

Its name : Get Some Exercise
It says to me : As your body becomes stronger,you begin feeling stronger in all ways

I didnt ask any quesytions of the cards today i just allowed them to give me a general situation eg my life at the moment.